Subject: Re: vmware suddenly crashing the system...
To: Brad Spencer <>
From: Steven M. Bellovin <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/01/2001 20:47:06
In message <>, Brad Spencer writes:
>This sort of thing has *always* happened to me when I run MS-WINDOWS 2000
>in a virtual machine.
>Basically, it appears that if things have to start to page that there is a
>chance that the machine will hang. I can almost always trigger this by
>starting two vmware sessions at the same time.
>And, for reasons that are not clear, when you shut down a virtual machine
>that has been running MS-WINDOWS 2000, the vmware process will hang,
>followed by the system.
Interesting. I'm running win98se, but it sure sounds like an
interaction between the two paging systems.
--Steve Bellovin,