Subject: Re: booting netbsd
To: None <>
From: Jaromír <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/09/2001 22:42:14
> where/how netbsd 1.5 or higher ELF kernel should be loaded?
> i.e. in what real adresses elf parts should be put and should paging be
> already enabled?
> i want to write mknbi-netbsd for netboot package
Yes, processor should be in protected mode when the NetBSD kernel
is executed. You might want to look at how GRUB loads NetBSD, though
GRUB doesn't support boot argument passing which classic NetBSD
bootblocks use (unfortunate especially for boot/root device).
It's also possible to use EtherBoot+GRUB to netboot NetBSD on
diskless machines, I've done this couple days ago (going to update
i386 netboot page 'soon' to provide instructions).
Jaromir Dolecek <>
NetBSD - just plain best OS! -=*=- Got spare MCA cards or docs? Hand me them!