Subject: Re: compact flash card
To: None <>
From: Steven M. Bellovin <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/10/2001 01:03:12
In message <>, Joseph Sirucka writes:
>I have a 128mb compact flash card from my digital camera. Does anybody
>know how to mount the card in the pcmcia slot.
>it is detected, but, what is the command to mount the compact flash
I have this line my fstab file:
/dev/wd1e /cf msdos rw,noauto
I just type "mount /cf". It works perfectly, without any trouble, with
16, 32, and 128 MB cards.
Sometimes, I use mtools. I put the following line in
# First PCMCIA disk partition
drive p: file="/dev/wd1e"
and do things like
mcopy p:*.jpg .
--Steve Bellovin,