Subject: Re: Installation boot diskettes hang, so do dosbooted kernels,
To: Thomas Mueller <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/08/2001 08:05:41
On Sat, 8 Sep 2001, Thomas Mueller wrote:
> OpenBSD 2.9 floppy29.fs diskette made it through the boot, and some of the Linux
> kernels make it through, though not all. If there were a hardware conflict,
> OpenBSD and Linux shouldn't make it through the boot. Now I wish there were a
> send-pr to run under DOS, though I don't really know where the snag is.
You can send-pr through the web page.
> Where do you get 1.5.2? I don't think it's available for download yet.
Yes, you have to build it yourself (or wait). For what it's worth,
that 486 vlb I mentioned earlier _does_ boot with GENERIC/1.5.2.