Subject: Re: Symbios 53c810 SCSI adapter
To: None <>
From: Rafal Boni <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/18/2001 00:22:25
In message <01091704241701.01957@harpreet>, you write:
-> I am trying to install NetBSD on Tyan 2510 motherboard which has
-> SymBIOS 53c810 chipset. Does NetBSD support this SCSI chipset ? I am also
-> using Netgear GA622T Gigabit ethernet adapter on the same system. Does
-> NetBSD support this Ethernet Card ??
I believe you really want into on the Symbios 53c1010, not the '810, which
is an ancient and crusty old SCSI chip. As to whether it's supported, I'm
not sure. It looks like it's supported by -current but not by 1.5.x.
As for the GigE card, it looks like only the 620 and 620T are supported..
unless the 622T is simply an OEM'ed version of another manufacturer's
card or based on an OEM'ed core from another manufacturer.
All this is from source inspection only, so YMMV.
Rafal Boni