Subject: Re: uncorrectable data error reading...
To: None <>
From: Eric Jacoboni <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/14/2001 21:56:10
>>>>> "Manuel" == Manuel Bouyer <> writes:
Manuel> Maybe you should put both disks as master on each channel, and
Manuel> both CD as slaves on each channels ?
Hmmmm... That seems difficult as i cannot put a CD on an ATA/100 cable
(it's known to cause some hardware failure and i've experimented it
myself...) an wd0 is on an ATA/100 cable.
But, in fact, i've some other solutions : wd0 is a FreeBSD
disk where there is some of my old work and wd0g is mounted at boot under
/freebsd. As i don't use it very often, i may not mount it and see if
it changes something
The other solution is to use the HPT370 of my mobo, still unemployed
(how do we say "de la confiture aux cochons", in english ? ;-), as a
second IDE controller. I have to find a screwdriver... and to figure
out how to instruct NetBSD it have now to boot from wd2 (i know it's
somewhere in some doc, so i'm not anxious).
Thanks for the clue,
Éric Jacoboni, né il y a 1309210770 secondes