Subject: altq configuration problems :(
To: None <,>
From: Simas Mockevicius <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/15/2001 14:35:38
I have patched (succesufuly!!) my 1.5.2 kernel with altq-3.0 patch. Everything
goes well, lo0 (sample) configuration file /etc/altq.conf working - no problem,
but when I put sample file of rtk0 device it just writes this ones lines:
bash-2.05# altqd
altqd[26999]: ALTQ config file is /etc/altq.conf
altqd[26999]: tbr is already installed on rtk0,
using the current setting (rate:100.00M size:11.72K).
altqd[26999]: syscall error: can't add cbq on interface 'rtk0'
altqd[26999]: : Device not configured
altqd[26999]: Error in /etc/altq.conf, line 1
altqd[26999]: Config failed. Exiting.
and here is my config(/etc/altq.conf):
interface rtk0 bandwidth 100M cbq
class cbq rtk0 root_class NULL pbandwidth 100
class cbq rtk0 def_class root_class borrow pbandwidth 95 default
# tcp, udp, mcast
class cbq rtk0 tcp_class def_class borrow pbandwidth 40
filter rtk0 tcp_class 0 0 0 0 6
class cbq rtk0 udp_class def_class borrow pbandwidth 40
filter rtk0 udp_class 0 0 0 0 17
class cbq rtk0 mcast_class def_class pbandwidth 10
filter rtk0 mcast_class netmask 0xf0000000 0 0 0 17
# http ftp
class cbq rtk0 http_class tcp_class borrow pbandwidth 10
filter rtk0 http_class 0 0 0 80 6
class cbq rtk0 ftp_class tcp_class borrow pbandwidth 10
filter rtk0 ftp_class 0 0 0 20 6
filter rtk0 ftp_class 0 20 0 0 6
where I something mistyped or maybe there ir other things that I should know ?