Subject: Re: LFS
To: Scott Barron <>
From: Andy R <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/05/2001 10:53:19
--- Scott Barron <> wrote:
> I did some "testing" on my system last summer. One
> of my tests was
> extracting the pkgsrc tarball. On an FFS mounted
> partition it takes
> around 15 minutes. On an LFS partition it was under
> 2 minutes. The
> results for rm -rf'ing pkgsrc were similar. This
> isn't the best
> benchmark, but its where I was looking for
> performance. I made
> /usr/pkgsrc an LFS partition because it's where I do
> the most
> extracting and removal of things. Not to mention
> that if it gets hosed
> its no big deal to blow away pkgsrc and start again.
> My setup was a K6 233 with 64M RAM and an IBM 60G
> deskstar drive (IDE)
> using NetBSD 1.5.1.
> -Scott
So the next question is, is LFS ever going to be
suitable for a production environment? I dont' know
enough about it to know what exactly it is doing. I'm
sure softdeps makes enough inroads into the performace
"problem" (depends on your outlook) that FFS had
before for many, but what about LFS and it's future?
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