Subject: Re: Partitioning...
To: Andy Ball <>
From: Wojciech Puchar <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/07/2001 18:03:32
> Thanks for the clarification!
> Presumably there are also some limits imposed by the hardware, like
> ATA's 137Gb limit. I was rather hoping that people might start moving
> towards SCSI (serial or parallel) as that limit drew near, but it
> looks as though ATA's being extended to 48-bit addressing (144Pb).
you mean "b" or "B"?
> Do you happen to know whether SCSI is limited to 32-bit addressing
> (~2.2Tb assuming 512 byte blocks)? Does NetBSD use 32 bits to address
> blocks on a device?
IMHO yes