Subject: Re: Linux "/proc/net/*" support in NetBSD?
To: Brian Grayson \(home\) <>
From: Andrew Brown <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/10/2001 13:22:32
>> then there's the issue of the portal file system not really "doing"
>> directory listings at all...
> Yes, but I think that's unavoidable without some major changes
>though. Plus it's downright impossible in some cases -- How would a
>portal filesystem that mapped ftp: mounted on /p handle an ls of
>/p/ftp:? I surely don't want to see all ftp sites on the
>Internet.... nor do I want to wait as it tries to figure out all the
>ftp sites on the Internet... :)
well...i think that's a little off-topic. you might do better with
the automounter dynamically portal mounting ftp sites under there if
you wanted to do that.
>> >If you want information about the kernel's state, look in /kern.
>> well...there's not that much there, but then again, (almost) all the
>> stuff that's already there can be gotten at via sysctl.
> And _everything_ that can be gotten via sysctl, can also be gotten
>via a portal filesystem, if you want to be able to access this stuff
>through the filesystem namespace (configuration etc. is at end of note):
yeah, and everything that goes into making up the portal file system
and sysctl and everything else, can be gotten at via the portal file
% grep -v '##' /p/netbsd/basesrc/sbin/mount_portal/examples/
for path in $*; do
path=`echo $path | tr '/' '.'`
sysctl $path | sed -e "s/$path//;s/^\.//;s/^ = //"
but that still doesn't make the portal file system do ls.
|-----< "CODE WARRIOR" >-----| * "ah! i see you have the internet (Andrew Brown) that goes *ping*!" * "information is power -- share the wealth."