Subject: Re: IA-1 "refurbished" units
To: None <>
From: Peter Seebach <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/15/2001 17:58:11
In message <>,
>``1. MSN Companion service charge of $9.95 per month applies for "Use Your
>Own ISP" program. May not work with all ISPs, including AOL. 2.
>$21.95/month for subscription, beginning in 7th month, no obligation.''
>Do you have to register?
Why would I have to register? I'm not using MSN, and I'm not using their
>Or are you "evading" the monthly subscription
I see no evasion here. Why on earth would I have to pay a monthly
subscription fee for access to MSN's email service if I'm not using it?