Subject: Re: IA-1 "refurbished" units
To: None <>
From: Alicia da Conceicao <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/19/2001 10:36:23
I went to the Compaq website to buy one, and found out they are
out of stock. Does anyone know of anyplace else that sells these
refurbished units for $99 (USD) and can ship to Canada?
> Since a couple people wrote asking about these when I mentioned them before:
> The Compaq IA-1 is being sold on Compaq's page, at:
> factory refurbished for $99. It's a K6-2 266, 32MB memory (30 after frame
> buffer is stolen), 16MB flash, CF slot, 4 USB, audio, 800x600 LCD. I suspect
> it has serial ports and an IDE controller, but I don't have pinouts or any
> idea how to get at them.