Subject: Re: CD-R or CD-R/W
To: None <>
From: Mario Kemper <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/22/2001 01:07:58
Andy Ball <> writes:
> Hello Jukka!
> JM> They do work.. I have used a HP ATAPI drive for a
> > long time now.
> Thanks, that's good to hear. I'd be interested in hearing
> from anyone who's used a Plextor drive under NetBSD. I've
> been out shopping for the last few days, but the shops in
> our nearest large town only seem to stock ATAPI, and a few
> USB models. I was hoping to find a SCSI. I may have to buy
> an ATAPI one this time and perhaps upgrade to SCSI or
> Firewire later.
cd0 at atapibus0 drive 1: <PLEXTOR CD-R PX-W1610A, , 1.03> type 5 cdrom removable
Works like a charm. I had no problem no matter what i burned
(data/audio/vcd) or under what os (NetBSD/WinXP)
under -current i386 that is.
Mario Kemper