Subject: Re: Interesting disk/filesystem anomaly addendum
To: Luke Mewburn <>
From: Bri <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/27/2001 00:44:30
dumpfs returns
endian little-endian
magic 11954 time Thu Dec 27 00:27:18 2001
cylgrp dynamic inodes 4.4BSD fslevel 3 softdep enabled
nbfree 2672921 ndir 87 nifree 24031062 nffree 954
ncg 12114 ncyl 193821 size 97685784 blocks 94487482
bsize 8192 shift 13 mask 0xffffe000
fsize 1024 shift 10 mask 0xfffffc00
frag 8 shift 3 fsbtodb 1
cpg 16 bpg 1008 fpg 8064 ipg 1984
minfree 5% optim time maxcontig 8 maxbpg 2048
rotdelay 0ms headswitch 0us trackseek 0us rps 120
ntrak 16 nsect 63 npsect 63 spc 1008
symlinklen 60 trackskew 0 interleave 1 contigsumsize 8
maxfilesize 0x0000400801017fff
nindir 2048 inopb 64 nspf 2
sblkno 16 cblkno 24 iblkno 32 dblkno 280
sbsize 2048 cgsize 2048 offset 32 mask 0xfffffff0
csaddr 280 cssize 194560 shift 9 mask 0xfffffe00
cgrotor 9301 fmod 0 ronly 0 clean 0x02
and then a bunch of stuff relating to cylinders and clusters. I can
include that as well if you like, but I'm guessing it is going to be
prohibitively large(I did not let it finish.)
I'll give current a shot, but I prefer to avoid it for this box, as any
issues that it has are a large inconvenience.
itai at replic d0t net
On Thu, 27 Dec 2001, Luke Mewburn wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 27, 2001 at 12:23:59AM -0800, Bri wrote:
> | Interestingley, yes. There is about 360Kbyte/sec of activity on the disk
> | with 99/100% usage according to systat.
> |
> | As far as how nested, it isn't. I was making the directory right in the
> | top level of where it was mounted. The root of that drive has 4 folders
> | including the test one that I used to get the time.
> What does "dumpfs" on the raw device return (e.g, "dumpfs /dev/rwd2a") ?
> There is known pathological behaviour in directory creation on
> (large) partitions with certain parameters. This was fixed in
> NetBSD-current earlier this year, and that fix was subsequently
> replaced by the "new" ffs_dirpref() routine. The latter code
> has been pulled up to the NetBSD-1-5 CVS branch (available via
> AnonCVS, or ftp at
> and will be in NetBSD-1.5.3 (if/when that's released).
> I suggest trying a kernel compiled from the latest sources in the
> NetBSD-1-5 branch. If that works, update your userland as well because
> tools like fsck_ffs and newfs have been updated (although the old
> versions should work, I'd still update).
> Luke.