Subject: Re: ex0 driver attaching to something not an ex0?
To: Andy R <>
From: Steven M. Bellovin <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/15/2002 09:19:02
In message <>, Andy R writes:
>--- Greywolf <> wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> I have a dell-410 at work which has what the kernel
>> thinks is an ex
>> on board. I'm not convinced it IS an ex for real,
>> because as soon
>> as I ifconfig the interface up, the lights go out.
>> this a quirk?
>If those are precision 410 workstations, then I do
>believe that it has the 3C905B ethernet chip right?
>That would indeed be the ex driver. Does it work under
>another OS?
>If in doubt, post the output of dmesg | grep ex0,
>ifconfig -a and your /etc/ifconfig.ex0 file and maybe
>there will be some recognizable problem.
I missed the original post. However, I've had problems with the
built-in 3c905b in my Dell Precision-410. The fix is to specify the
media type explicitly -- the fault is in the autonegotiation.
--Steve Bellovin,
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