Subject: laptop install
To: NetBSD port-i386 <>
From: Todd <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/04/2002 01:25:53
I posted a couple weeks back about some problems I was having installing
1.5.2 on a Zenith Z-Lite 425L and a ThinkPad 755Cs. The Zenith, I'm happy to
say, is running well on 1.5.2.
The ThinkPad however is a different story. INSTALL_LAPTOP fails after
successfully negotiating the ftp transfer. INSTALL_SMALL does not recognize
any network devices. INSTALL_TINY also fails after successfully negotiating
ftp. I found a post that suggested adding some options to the kernel.conf for
a 550 TP and thought it might be worth a shot. I installed 1.5.2 on a Dell
200MMX tower I had and rebuilt the kernel based on the How-To, adding just
those options.
Next, I tried to get the new kernel on an install disk. I found a section in
the How-To about replacing the kernel on a boot image. I followed the
instructions to the letter, but they don't seem to work for me.
vnconfig -c vnd0 boot-tiny.fs
-executes properly
mount /dev/vnd0a /mnt
-mount_ffs: /dev/vnd0a on/mnt: incorrect super block
Incidentally, I get the same super block error if I try to mount a boot
image in the floppy drive. Not knowing any better, I tried the mount command
with the -t kernfs option on the floppy drive image and it appeared to
execute properly so I tried it with /dev/vnd0a. Seemed ok, but then....
gzip -c -9 < netbsd > /mnt/netbsd.gz
-bash: /mnt/netbsd.gz Read only file system!
Am I doing something wrong? I've spent too much time on this install to not
see it through but with each successive failure, drop testing this ThinkPad
from the 4th floor looks more and more inviting. If anyone had any ideas or
suggestions they would be very much appreciated. Thanks, Todd Lewis