Subject: networking booting "appliances"
To: None <>
From: Michael Richardson <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/12/2002 18:45:50
I want to build a network boot floppy for NetBSD.
(eventually, a PROM for a network card, but that can wait)
It should tftp a kernel and an a ramdisk from a TFTP server.
I don't want to do NFS. I would rather that it worked with NE2000 type
stuff, but I'll cope with 3c509 for now.
I think that this is just a question of building the right
boot loader, since from what I understand about the new boot process,
we basically load the kernel and the ramdisk from a "tar" file system
on the floppies. (The ramdisk contents are stored as an image, not a tar
file, correct? i.e. we don't just untar the install floppies)
This is for an MP3 player. Having a hard disk in the unit is just too
noisy. The MP3's themselves come from a web server, and lpd handles the
(as an intermim measure, loading a kernel and ramdisk from a hard disk
and then doing appropriate wdctl to turn spin the hard disk down would also
I have tried to build netboot.bin, which I think I load somehow from
a DOS boot floppy (with "dosload"? where is that).
(I can't go all the way to rom anyway, because I am currently
bios extension size: 32768 (0x8000), read 45732 bytes
genprom: read longer than expected
Which suggests that the image is too big. This is a 1.5.2.)
] ON HUMILITY: to err is human. To moo, bovine. | firewalls [
] Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works, Ottawa, ON |net architect[
] |device driver[
] panic("Just another NetBSD/notebook using, kernel hacking, security guy"); [