Subject: Re: Pkgsrc error
To: None <>
From: Aaron J. Grier <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/06/2002 22:16:49
On Fri, Mar 01, 2002 at 08:32:06PM -0500, Andy Ball wrote:
> At the office I have access to the Internet via DSL. At home I only
> have an analog phone line and a dial-up service that wouldn't maintain
> a connection long enough for CVS to be an option. I was able to down-
> load pkgsrc at the office and carry it home on a Zip disk. The
> dial-up connection stays up long enough to fetch the packages I want.
maybe rsync would work well over a dial-up line?
and ssh-CVS is a lot faster than pserver... (I haven't a clue as to
why. you would think it would be the other way around.)
Aaron J. Grier | "Not your ordinary poofy goof." |
"[...] I generally haven't found IDM guys to be very good
live acts, most of them just sit down at their laptop and
tweak reaktor." -- Brandon Daniel