Subject: Re: 160GB IDE Drives under NetBSD?
To: NetBSD/i386 Discussion List <>
From: Wojciech Puchar <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/24/2002 10:12:01
> On the other hand 160MB of unused sectors on a 160GB FS is a very tiny
> fraction of the available space -- hardly what I'd call "wastage" under
> any circumstances! :-)
but does this change make sense for me? will it speed up thinks noticably?
> > squid has generally lots of small files.
> a decent sized (eg. >20GB && <100GB) "public" access cache still has
> files with ~15KB average size.
mine 13GB squid cache has 14kB average. but i set max file size to 64MB.
> Some day I need to look at the distribution of sizes though....
some times having larger blocks may actually save space as extra block
for indirect blocks may not be needed.
how many direct blocks are per inode on FFS?
i think it's 12 but i'm not sure
if 12 - up to 16*12=192kB file will fit. with 8kB it will be 96.
as 99% of squid files are <96kB i think 8K blocks are better here.
> > > but for source code, build products, etc., I'm happier with the default,
> > > but I'd go up to 16k if I had to support a really large FS.
> >
> > what is "large" for you?
> The largest filesystems I regularly use and maintain are about 15-35GB
> right now, but in most circumstances I would still consider anything
> over about 10GB to be "large". I don't do any multi-media work with
> "very large" (i.e. >1GB) files though.... :-)
so you think changing blocksize to 16kB make sense for me?