Subject: Re: 200205290000 pre-1.6 snapshot: GENERIC kernel hangs on AGP
To: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
From: Thor Lancelot Simon <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/03/2002 02:35:44
On Sun, Jun 02, 2002 at 06:14:41PM -0700, Jonathan Stone wrote:
> I tried to upgrade an HP Netserver E/60 from a 1.5W-ish kernel
> to the 200205290000 snapshot of the 1.6 branch.
> The machine is bog-standard, 1999 vintage, 440BX chipset motherboard
> dual-slot1-capable, 1 CPU + 1 terminator installed. It's been running
> 1.5W-ish kernel happily for a year.
> The GENERICL kernel from the 200205290000 snapshot hung hard during
> boot, immediately after printing the "agp0" line. Perhaps the keyboard
For what it's worth, I had *precisely* this problem on a brand-new
AMD-760MPX motherboard last week. This is also a dual-CPU board with only
one CPU installed.
Removing "agp" from the kernel config fixed things. Maybe the problem is
related to agp and dual-processor boards -- or maybe it's due to agp and
the lack of an agp card and a configured AGP aperture? I have the AGP
aperture configured to size "0" in my BIOS, which doesn't seem to bother
any other operating system...