Subject: Re: A clearer explanation...
To: None <>
From: Ernst du Toit <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/04/2002 13:56:21
What you describe sounds like what bit me with an ISA PnP card, the kernel
hardwired ISA defs got the card up, but then the PnP config kicked in the
card was setup according to the PnP requirements.
Now, you've got a PCMCIA device, which is ISA derived, but to my knowlege
the PnP spec is for ISA busses only and does not extend to PCMCIA.
Afraid this might not help you much, but it may be a data point to the
solution :)
> Sorry about the vagueness, guys. I was waaaay too tired to be
> mailing when I wrote that. The exact problem I'm having is that the
> NE2000 is found during startup (ne1) and listed in the dmesg on
> IRQ 10. But a little farther down, it gets called ne2, and I get a
> message saying ne2: where did the card go!? In the i386 faq, it
> lists a fix for this exact problem. Unfortunately, I am in the
> installing portion of this whole deal, so I don't exactly know how to
> put together the stuff that is on the install floppies. I would try
> installing from cd, but this machine is pre-cd boot. If somebody can
> tell me how to get the install disks set up so that I can use the card
> to download the sources, I can make the custom kernel
> myself.