Subject: Re: Dual X display
To: None <>
From: Samantha <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/13/2002 14:38:18
Some other info:
When I get out of X and go to the console I started it from, there is a
message saying:
S3Virge: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:0:15:0) found
s3: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:0:16:0) found
But in the XFree86Config file there is a device section for both the video
cards and both the sections have the appropriate BUS ID with it.
Again thanks for any help.
On Fri, 13 Sep 2002, Samantha wrote:
> I am trying to get netbsd to display X across two monitors. I have two
> video cards and the latest Xfree86 (4.2). The configuration detects both
> video cards and puts it in the XFree86config file. However when I run it,
> One monitor comes up with X, and the other one simply wakes up but I don't
> see X on there.
> I don't know what other relevant info I can give, and I would also like to
> know what I am doing wrong.
> Thanks :)
> Samantha