Subject: Re: Problem with 1.6 install
To: None <>
From: Russ Walker <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/17/2002 18:45:23
Here's my install story:
I'm preparing to upgrade a Toshiba Magnia 3000 with 1GB Ram, single 350Mhz
processor. It usually uses an 18GB drive, but for testing purposes I wiped
a 2GB drive (another instance of w2k sbs bites the dust). When defining the
partition table, choosing 'standard' or 'standard with X' invariably
yielded 'Your hard disk is too small for a standard install. You will have
to enter the partitions size by hand.'
Specifically, sysinst states that:
Standard requires at least 4176.0 MB
Standard with X requires at least 5250.0 B
Under custom I defined the partitions as follows:
sd0a / 150MB
sd0b swap 128MB
sd0e /usr 1641MB
I can hear you now, "What? 128MB of swap on a 1GB machine?". I'm thinking,
for my testing purposes, I'm never going to need _any_ swap space.
Proceeding with the install yields an NMI which kicked into the kernel
debugger in pmap_copy_page.
Well, to make a long story short, I pulled all but 64MB of ram from the
machine and the install works fine.
Life's good, I think to myself, as I reinstall the 1GB. Machine boot, I
configure X, it starts great, I start a compile of tcsh and BAM, NMI. I can
replicate it at will. I pull the 1GB out and put the 64MB back, runs fine.
So, from my admittedly narrow perspective, it seems that there's a problem
with big ram and little or no swap. Whenever it NMI's, it's invariably in a
pmap function, sometimes pmap_zero_page, sometimes pmap_copy_page.
I would be more than glad to answer any specific detail questions that I can.
p.s. the last time I wrote the list with a problem was 28 Apr 1999
concerning 1.4beta. In my opinion, an _outstanding_ testimony to the
quality of this OS!