Subject: Re: Problem with 1.6 install
To: None <>
From: Stephen Borrill <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/25/2002 16:58:29
Sorry for the previous blank message (Eudora sends the message
without asking for confirmation if you happen to hit Ctrl-E. This
will be the first and last time I use Eudora...)
On 21 Sep 2002, MLH wrote:
> On 20 Sep 2002 08:00:01 -0500, Ryo HAYASAKA wrote:
> > In message <>,
> > Jaromir Dolecek <> wrote:
> >
> >> > > I've also experienced this segfault issue installing both 1.6
> >> > > and current into a VMWare virtual machine. It seems to be
> >> > > occurring on man.tgz for me. However 1.5.3 will still install
> >> > > without a problem.
> >
> > I have also experienced this on my i386 note pc, and this is 100%
> > reproduceable.
> Maybe check this out... We think it has something to do with how
> the disk is partitioned. We were trying to use a bootloader, so
> had partitioned the drive and were trying to install NetBSD in one
> of the partitions. When installing without a bootloader or using
> other values for the bios's understanding of the drive size and
> then partitioning, 1.6 installed fine.
> We are going to look into this further next week, but there's a
> repeatable pattern here.
I did a couple of installations yesterday. The only one that SEGVed
was the one with a 8GB Windows partition at the start of the disc
(which I also put the boot selector on). Once again, it was either
in man.tgz or at the very start of misc.tgz. Filenames were switched
OFF at all times (to go back to a point elsewhere in the thread).
The installation was from a CDROM (other reports seem to be with FTP
or involve /usr/INSTALL in some way). Using the upgrade/re-install
sets option successfully put the packages on (using the same
mechanism that bombed out presumably). I'd originally thought it
was due to man.tgz/misc.tgz being symlinks on the CD, but the fact
it has been reported with FTP counters that.
After the SEGV, I found the console was messed up (needed the
following to spring back into life: stty echo icanon), plus the
partitions were still mounted (not a surprise). However, sysinst
requires they are unmounted before installing re-installing packages
(it says unable to mount due to only looking at the return code from
the mount call).
This seems to be a big problem with the 1.6 installer. Oh and I hate
the white-on-blue too. :-)