Subject: NetBSD -1.6 sysinst via wavelan(wi0)?
To: None <>
From: Greg Troutman <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/29/2002 01:30:19
So the card (Lucent Wavelan/Silver) is recognized and can ping and even
ftp, but at the
ftp-data part it won't work at all, active or passive, no matter what I
try. After logging
in and issuing the 'get', it just sits there at 0 bytes transferred for
like 20 minutes before
timing out... Tcpdump shows the ftp server trying to send it data, but
it's getting lost
on the way, I'm not sure where. Is this a known no-can-do issue with
the card or with
sysinst, or is it maybe a prob with my access point (D-link AP-900
w/Atmel chipset,
same as wap11) or maybe something I can tweak at my ftp server
default ftpd)... ??? This access point does ftp fine for
already-installed systems (eg.
until I tried to use it for this NetBSD install, I was using it a lot
doing ftp between
multiple NetBSD, Linux and Solaris boxen with nary a glitch, though no
Wavelan equipment until now)....