Subject: Re: nmbd and smbd warning message
To: None <>
From: Steven M. Bellovin <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/03/2002 16:15:56
In message <>, Video Mike writes:
>Dear NetBSD,
>After doing a complete install (not upgrade) of v1.6 NetBSD, I have yet to
>find any bugs. It is working nicely. I also installed the latest Samba
>package and it too is working just fine, but, I get the following warning
>messages during bootup just after cron is started:
> /etc/rc: WARNING: $smbd is not set properly
> /etc/rc: WARNING: $nmbd is not set properly
>I have tried to figure this out on my own, and being fairly new to this I
>can't seem to tackle it. I am starting these daemons from inside rc.local
>and they are as such:
> smbd -D
> nmbd -D
>I had a warning message for mountd also, but, I managed to take care
>of that one.
>Again, any help is greatly appreciated.
Newer pkgsrc versions of samba put the startup scripts into /etc/rc.d.
But all such startup scripts require a config variable to be set to YES
or NO, either in /etc/defaults/rc.conf (which you shouldn't touch) or
/etc/rc.conf. The solution, then, is to delete your startup lines from
rc.local and set the flags if needed. -D is the default in those
scripts, so you don't need it.
There's also a metascript called 'samba', which you can use to manually
start or stop the whole package:
/etc/rc.d/samba start
/etc/rc.d/samba stop
Since this isn't run by rc, it doesn't require a config variable.
--Steve Bellovin, (me) ("Firewalls" book)