Subject: Re: GRUB, NTFS, and NetBSD
To: Steven Grunza <>
From: Jason R Thorpe <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/03/2002 14:33:35
On Thu, Oct 03, 2002 at 05:16:23PM -0400, Steven Grunza wrote:
> Has anyone installed GRUB on a system like this before? I don't know a lot
> about Win2000 / NT booting but my guess is that the Win2K boot code is
> sitting at the beginning of the disk and if I load GRUB I will over-write
> this boot code. Since GRUB doesn't understand NTFS and would need to
> chainload Win2K I'm expecting the disk to be fubar'd if I try this since
> the Win2K boot loader will have been over-written by GRUB.
> Any ideas how I can get this system to boot to either Win2K or NetBSD
> without using a floppy?
Why use GRUB when you can use the NetBSD "mbr_bootsel"? I currently use
this to dual boot one of my PCs with NetBSD and Win2k (Win2k using NTFS).
-- Jason R. Thorpe <>