Subject: ld0 not configured error at boot.
To: None <>
From: Sean J. Schluntz <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/06/2002 21:59:40
Greetings, first time doing a MP with NetBSD and hardware RAID on same
box (also first with NetBSD). I've compiled a MP kernel from
the sup current-allsrc, when the system boots it complains that
ld is not configured, and asks for a boot device. I have the following
lines in the config:
cac* at pci? dev ? function ? # Compaq PCI array controllers
config netbsd root on ld0a type ffs
ld* at cac? unit ?
The system is a Compaq Prolenia with a mirror (ld0) and a RAID5 setup
(ld1) with the OS booting off of ld0a (from the generic install).
Any help would be great.