Subject: wi.c failure in kernel compile...
To: None <>
From: Greg Troutman <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/05/2002 16:12:15
I have a Compaq Contura 420CX that networks over wi0 just fine with the
GENERIC_LAPTOP kernel from NetBSD-1.6. But, anticipating a probable
need to re-compile the kernel to get X running, as well as simply
wanting to shrink down the kernel for my little 32Mb system anyways, I
and attempted to compile a new kernel. But, it fails on 'make depend'
like this:
in ../../../../dev/ic/wi.c:96: /usr/include/bat/common.h: No such file
or directory
So then I just tried to re-compile the un-altered GENERIC_LAPTOP kernel
and got the same problem!
Why the heck is it trying to pull in /usr/include/bat/common.h? Or more
to the point, what is that file and why does it not seem to actually
exist anywhere in the known universe? Actually, google searches
indicate that the file has something to do with the bsd-airtools
package (which is not even in the pkgsrc) and that that is the source of
of a lot of trouble for people trying to compile that package under
What am I doing wrong? Any hints or help appreciated.
Thank you!