Subject: Re: failure to boot 1.6 install cdrom on Thinkpad 600E
To: None <>
From: John Kohl <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/10/2003 07:47:39
>>>>> "dme" == dme <> writes:
dme> On a Thinkpad 600E with internal CD-ROM, the machine loads the
dme> bootloader from the CD, and then offers 'hd11a:netbsd' as the default
dme> option.
dme> Attempting to boot 'hd11a:netbsd' results in the kernel text being
dme> loaded (first number is printed), but then the machine hangs. Only a
dme> hard-reset will recover.
The ThinkPad 600E doesn't grok booting from 2.88MB floppy images
embedded in CDs. I have the same problem :(
When I update, I copy the installation kernel (includes filesystem) onto
the real root file system and boot from that. If this is your first
time, you need to build a 2-floppy set.
==John Kohl <>, <>
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