Subject: Re: Big brand server recommendations for NetBSD
To: Janne Snabb <>
From: Hauke Fath <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/19/2003 18:00:04
Am 17.02.2003 um 23:07 Uhr +0200 schrub Janne Snabb:
> - IBM xSeries 335/345/225/235
We've got an x345 (2x P4 Xeon @ 2 GHz) here that will eventually run
SAP R/3 CR on a suselinux.
Booting NetBSD 1.6N from floppy shows that neither the ServeRAID adapter
pci5: memory space enabled
vendor 0x1014 product 0x01bd (RAID mass storage) at pci5 dev 4
function 0 not configured
nor the onboard SCSI (some lsilogic 1xxx part)
pci7 at pchb7 bus 8
pci7: memory space enabled
vendor 0x1000 product 0x0030 (SCSI mass storage, revision 0x07) at
pci7 dev 7 function 0 not configured
vendor 0x1000 product 0x0030 (SCSI mass storage, revision 0x07) at
pci7 dev 7 function 1 not configured
are recognized. A bit expensive for a diskless client. ;)
Hauke Fath /~\ The ASCII Ribbon Campaign
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