Subject: Re: notebook recommendation
To: Wojciech Puchar <>
From: Steven M. Bellovin <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/13/2003 16:28:17
In message <>, Wojciech Pu
char writes:
>> (Peter Seebach) writes:
>> > I am absolutely and totally in love with my ThinkPad A31p. It's got lots
>> > built-in peripherals, but the only one which doesn't work is the winmodem.
>> > Firewire works, ethernet works, WiFi works... It's a NICE machine.
>> In general, I'm a big ThinkPad fan. They're never a lick of trouble.
>i read specs, browsed google etc.
>looks really great, only price is not fun.
>but i will buy even such expensive thing but thing that works, instead of
>cheap wincrap(TM).
>thanks for info. You are 5-th person recommending me thinkpad...
I'm on my 4th Thinkpad, and I agree that they're excellent. There are
a few quirks, though. I can't get my T21 to display simultaneously on
the LCD and an external monitor. I generally have to 'ifconfig down'
network connections. Note the APM_DISABLE_INTERRUPTS option in
apm(4), though it's now the default. And there's some problem with the
sound card driver for the T21 that's probably ACPI-related; as a
result, I have to exclude the sound driver from my configuration.
And yes, when I get my next laptop, I'll get another Thinkpad. I'd
really like a T40 -- excellent battery life, excellent 802.11 a/b, and
a 10/100/1000 built-in Ethernet. I'll ignore the winmodem...
--Steve Bellovin, (me) (2nd edition of "Firewalls" book)