Subject: Re: Another serious bug in NetBSD-1.6.1
To: David Laight <>
From: Brian Buhrow <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/13/2003 17:58:14
Any suggestions as to which commands I should try, or would you like
the core and kernel files directly?
On Mar 14, 12:33am, David Laight wrote:
} Subject: Re: Another serious bug in NetBSD-1.6.1
} > #12 0xc028375e in panic ()
} > (gdb)
} > #13 0xc03134ce in trap ()
} > (gdb)
} > #14 0xc0100bf7 in calltrap ()
} > (gdb)
} > #15 0xc02a7021 in genfs_putpages ()
} > (gdb) disass
} > 0xc02a7017 <genfs_putpages+1087>: push $0x40
} > 0xc02a7019 <genfs_putpages+1089>: push $0x0
} > 0xc02a701b <genfs_putpages+1091>: push %esi
} > 0xc02a701c <genfs_putpages+1092>: call 0xc0311248 <pmap_change_attrs>
} > 0xc02a7021 <genfs_putpages+1097>: add $0x10,%esp
} > 0xc02a7024 <genfs_putpages+1100>: test %eax,%eax
} Hmmm.... gbd strickes again - failing to give a traceback that includes
} anything to do with the routine that actually exploded.
} The stack traceback also 'usefully' fails to give either the %esp
} or %ebp value for each frame.
} All done just to make life more interesting :-)
} David
} --
} David Laight:
>-- End of excerpt from David Laight