Subject: Re: "real" OpenBSD compat - how hard would it be?
To: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
From: Urban Boquist <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/20/2003 14:39:01
>>>>> Ignatios Souvatzis writes:
Ignatios> Does it create them internally?
>> I'm not sure I understand what you mean here?
Ignatios> Does it use the system assembler, or even the system C
Ignatios> compiler to create the binaries?
Ah, OK, I see now. Yes, it uses the system as, gcc, and ld. Which is
good, of course, for easier porting. But there is also some "manually
created" code that is system dependent, and it has a nasty habit of
post processing the assembler output before handing it over to the
system tools... So I definitely agree with what Roland said, starting
a porting effort on an ELF platform is probably better than OpenBSD.
Kind regards,
-- Urban