Subject: Re: "real" OpenBSD compat - how hard would it be?
To: Alaric B. Snell <>
From: Todd T. Fries <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/20/2003 11:16:26
Penned by Alaric B. Snell on Thu, Mar 20, 2003 at 11:38:24AM +0000, we have:
| On Thursday 20 March 2003 01:05, Jason Thorpe wrote:
| > On Wednesday, March 19, 2003, at 08:36 AM, Urban Boquist wrote:
| > > Does anyone have any idea on how much work a real kernel level
| > > compat/openbsd would be?
| >
| > Hard, because OpenBSD, in their infinite wisdom, decided to not change
| > their a.out magic number when they began to diverge. There is no way
| > to tell an OpenBSD a.out binary from a NetBSD a.out binary.
| Can we ask 'em to fix this?
Do not concern yourself about a.out on i386 on OpenBSD any longer. Post 3.3,
which is in the final stages of shakedown, i386 is going elf.
At that point, elf2olf can be used to brand a binary as OpenBSD if there are
any remaining issues. This technique works well for static linux binaries that
get recognized as svr4.
Todd Fries ..
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