Subject: Re: NetBSD
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: Wojciech Puchar <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/21/2003 20:09:00
> > available but iconized, but I only do root things in it.)
> I too have long experience with Unix, perhaps not _quite_ as long as
> smb's (I first started using it in the mid-'80s), and I too don't
> normally run as root. I used to - for much of my career the mouse
> login was uid 0 on my machines - but I've found that the risks of being
> able to wipe out anything with a mistake outweigh the advantages
> (largely convenience).
rm -rf /*
instead of
rm -rf .*
in one subdirectory because of typo successfully teached me not do general
work as root :)