Subject: Re: Building a Net4501 distribution
To: Andrea Rossignoli <>
From: Ossi Herrala <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/30/2003 13:17:19
On Wed, Apr 30, 2003 at 09:49:28AM +0200, Andrea Rossignoli wrote:
> I downloaded the current sources from ftp using anoncvs under /usr/src.
> Once downloaded I did:
> mkdir /usr/obj
> mkdir /usr/net4501
> cd /usr/src
> ./ tools
> ( all was okay )
> ./ kernel=NET4501
> ( all was okay )
> ./ -U -D /usr/net4501 distribution
> ( the make will abort sometime, I'll have to check why and I'll post )
> Actually my question is:
> Am I following the right procedure ?
Yes. Look's like ok. But I'm used to have '-u' (update) parameter in
./ commands after I have builded tools. I don't know if it's
needed but just in case so that doesn't try to remove anything or
build tools again.
> Did I miss some steps ?
No. I don't think so.
> When the last step will be okay ( distribution ),
> what have I to do ?
After you have builded distribution, you have almost working system in
/usr/net4501. Only thing you are missing is the kernel which need to be
copied there also.
(btw. why doesn't -D/path/destination kernel=<something> copy the
kernel to /path/destination/netbsd? It would be nice.)
Ok. You have full distribution with kernel. Now write disklabel to your media
(see disklabel(8)), make filesystem (see newfs(8)), copy everything to
your media and write a boot sector (see installboot(8)). I'm not sure if this
works with cf cards.
> :-) Mr Andrea R.
Ossi Herrala, OH8HUB
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