Subject: Re: Xwindows background image app?
To: Phil Pereira <>
From: Bryan P <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/30/2003 12:56:52
On the distinguished day of Apr 30, Phil Pereira wrote:
> All,
> As you can probably tell - I'm doing a lot of NetBSDing tonight :)
> I'm playing with the window manager ctwm, and X4.3 at the mo. What I'd
> like to know is does anyone know of an application in "pkgsrc" which
> simply displays a background image (jpg/tiff/etc.) in the main X window,
> and that the window manager can work ontop of.
> Bit more detail - sort of like "xearth", which displays a pic of the
> planet in the background, I want to place customised images. I don't
> think ctwm can do this - unless someone knows different?
"xv" can do this with several image formats. Something like:
"xv -root -rmode 5 -quit <image>" would do the trick.
# Software Engineer