Subject: Re: Soekris
To: Port-i386 <>
From: Valtteri Vuorikoski <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/08/2003 14:26:12
David Laight <> writes:
> > 1. The boot delay (5-sec countdown before kernel load) does not work.
> > Soekris proceeds to load the kernel immediately, so we can't change
> > the name of the kernel that is loaded.
> Clearly the bios doen't support the function used to implement that
> timeout....
Mr. Kristensen of Soekris Engineering just mentioned a few days ago that
he's going to be overhauling the BIOS a bit in the next few weeks. This
might be a send him a wish to implement the missing function.
But, it is possible to change the kernel. When the POST is about to finish,
press and hold down space, and most of the time you can interrupt the boot
if you get your timing right.