Subject: libpng and g++
To: NetBSD mailing list <>
From: Yasir Malik <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/04/2003 18:31:30
When I am installing libpng-1.2.5, I get the following errors when running
make install when using makefile.netbsd as my makefile
install -c -r -o root -g wheel -m 444 -a "ranlib -t" libpng_p.a /usr/local/lib/libpng_p.a
install: libpng_p.a: stat: No such file or directory
*** Error code 1

When I use makefile.ne12bsd as my makefile I get a similar error except
libpng_p.a is replaced by libpng12.a

make test works fine on both of them
The who invented libpng hasn't responded to my emails.

My question about g++:  For a programming assignment for my database
class, we had to use a flat file as a database, and we had to insert
40,000 records in order (I know that sounds absurd) into a linked list.
When I ran the program in NetBSD using g++, it
took 25 minutes to complete.  In Borland C++ 5.5 on Win2000, the same
program took 2 minutes.  Why is there such an obscene difference?  I
compiled using g++ with the -O option, too.  I will send the source if
anyone is interested.