Subject: Re: fsck_msdos is trying very hard, but...
To: None <>
From: Peter Seebach <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/14/2003 11:40:13
In message <>, Wolfgang Solfrank writes:
>Since there isn't much checking of the plausibility of the
>information found here, fsck_msdos in its current version chokes
>if these blocks don't compare, on the assumption that the
>filesystem probably isn't a FAT filesystem at all, but
>something else (which is most likely the cause of your
>problem, too).
Hmm. Well, it sure *acts* like a FAT filesystem; I can mount it
with mount_msdos, and the Windows OS living in it boots just fine.
>Seems that you've got it backwards here (except if you have
>some rather weird names in your /dev directory ;-)).
>Normally, /dev/wd0f is the block device and /dev/rwd0f is
>the raw, aka character device, as can be determined from the
>first column of an "ls -l /dev/*wd0f".
Yeah, I got confused again. I always forget that 'r' is for character