Subject: Re: Nortel Contivity Linux Client
To: Matt Thomas <>
From: Brian Hechinger <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/22/2003 12:22:28
On Tue, Jul 22, 2003 at 09:19:48AM -0700, Matt Thomas wrote:
> I've been wondering how hard it would be to get racoon and NetBSD to
> support talking to Contivity directly. [My employer uses it too.]
that would be ideal. the Free/SWAN people haven't had much luck though.
they can get it to work as remote office tunnel endpoint, but what i
need is user endpoint.
> Mostly it's getting racoon to negotiate the XAUTH/RADIUS extention and
> be able to dynamicly assign addresses and install routes.
if you can figure it out, you'll be my hero. ;)
"You know, evil comes in many forms, be it a man-eating cow or Joseph Stalin.
But you can't let the package hide the pudding. Evil is just plain bad! You
don't cotton to it! You gotta smack it on the nose with the rolled up newspaper
of goodness! Bad dog! Bad dog!" -- The Tick