Subject: Re: RFC: root on raidframe howto
To: Martti Kuparinen <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/06/2003 08:11:01
On Wed, 6 Aug 2003, Martti Kuparinen wrote:
> Thanks everyone, I have now a fully functional RAID-1 setup :-)
> Please take a look at the following howto and try to spot
> errors/typos/whatever (I haven't done ispell on it yet). Send the
> corrections directly to me and I'll update the file.
> All comments are welcome!
I recently set up a bootable RAID-1 much like you did. In fact, the
disk last added has already failed ("infant mortality"), so it's just
as well I didn't put something else on it! A few comments:
1) You have one RAID per disk, rather than one per file system.
There has been a lot of discussion on this question in the past, but
I don't recall exactly what the consensus was. :-) I went with one per
file-system, with the idea that it would be more robust against the
case where both disks begin to fail at about the same time.
2) Once you set the raid devices(s) to autoconfigure, the
"/etc/raid*.conf" files aren't needed. In fact, if you leave them
there, the startup scripts will complain that the device is already
configured (on current, at least).
2a) Also, with autoconfigure, you don't need to nail the devices down
in the kernel config.
3) You _can_ set the dump device in "/etc/fstab", like so:
/dev/sd0b none swap dp