Subject: Re: RFC: root on raidframe howto
To: None <>
From: David Laight <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/07/2003 15:22:29
> Anyway here's a few recommendations:
> *) Wait until 2.0 branches to finalize anything regarding bootblocks
> procedures. If there's one thing that's always guaranteed to change,
> that's it. The raidctl(8) isn't likely to change, though
I'd go for documenting the behaviour of 'current'.
If anything is nigglingly painful then see if it can be changed.
I'm not sure, but you it, for instance, help if sysinst had an
option to leave 64 sectors between partitions?
Or just at the start of the volume?
Should swap go at the end?
It is too hard to make sysinst install a raid system, but it could
do a 'raid friendly' one.
David Laight: