Subject: Re: help with video dri/drm problems
To: None <>
From: George Michaelson <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/08/2003 12:19:59
X11 is going to do a mid rev bump around December of this year, to 4.4.0
I check the cvs logs on XFree86 daily, and the rate of change has been pretty
constant for the last few months, with *some* stuff in DRI.
I don't think there is a particularly 'best' time to try and do a DRI port, but
I'm not sure just before a rev/feature freeze is close. (arguably it is, because
general focus on lockdown makes well-formed patches easier to put in)
FreeBSD has DRI for i386. Its been discussed in the past about how helpful this
is, or is not for a MI focussed BSD requirement, given the FB/NB divergeances
these days.
NO question, NB (l)users like me would like DRI. Its finding people with
skills/motivation ...