Subject: It's very interesting
To: Port <>
From: None <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/18/2003 08:48:37
Hello. Port. My name is John Vachevski. A few days ago in Internet I found a new e-gold High Yield Investment Program.
I invested 200$, and now I get about 3.5% (7$) everyday.
They use automatic system, so I can request my money at any time, and right after Withdraw.
This is fantastic. If you do not belive in it then please visit .
Why do I tell you this? Because this is my business and I recieve 10% from the money you invest.
You also will be able to recieve % from your refferals (people who registered using your link),
this refferal link you will get right after registration.
Sincerely, John Vachevski
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