Subject: Re: Adding opencrypto, crypto acceelerator to GENERIC kernels?
To: Rafal Boni <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/19/2003 10:11:48
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To: Rafal Boni <>
Subject: Re: Adding opencrypto, crypto acceelerator to GENERIC kernels?
In-reply-to: Your message of "Wed, 19 Nov 2003 10:36:20 EST."
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2003 10:11:48 -0800
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@Pescadero.DSG.Stanford.EDU>
[Replies redirected to tech-crypto; bcc to tech-{kern,userlevel}, port-i386]
[rainbow public-key-only device]
Opencrypto drivers for crypto hardware just register themselves as
implementing transforms, from a predefined set, for whichver tranforms
they can do.
If the operations provided by the Rainbow hardware match the
alread-defined asymmetric (public-key) ops: sure, no problem, a SMOP.
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