Subject: Re: Panic in NetBSD/i386 1.6.1_stable
To: Brian A. Seklecki <>
From: Brian Buhrow <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/16/2004 23:44:30
I have the core file, and I can build a kernel with debugging symbols
with the previous crash, if you think that would help.
On Feb 16, 11:16pm, "Brian A. Seklecki" wrote:
} Subject: Re: Panic in NetBSD/i386 1.6.1_stable
} On Thu, 2004-02-12 at 21:10, Brian Buhrow wrote:
} > Hello folks. I just got this panic on one of my
} > NetBSD/i386-1.6.1_stable boxes from September 2003. I have several boxes
} > running these binaries, and I've only seen this panic on one box, and I'm
} > wondering if folks think there is a software problem here, or if it is just
} > some hardware going south. This box is farely loaded, and was running for
} > 100 days before a panic, and then 19 days before another panic.
} Brian:
} The next time this happens, you'll need to grab a back trace from the
} kernel using kdb.
} You'll see the kernel go to a gdb style prompt, just type "bt".
} That will help determine what prompted that error.
} A serial console and/or serial console boot blocks are really useful in
} this situation.
} -lava
} > In other words, I think this might be hardware, and I want to confirm that
} > no one else has seen this panic.
} >
} > -Brian
} >
} > panic: pmap_change_attrs: mapping without PTP detected
} > syncing disks... panic: lockmgr: locking against myself
} >
} > dumping to dev 0,1 offset 1575727
} >
} >
} > NetBSD 1.6.1_STABLE NetBSD 1.6.1_STABLE (NFBNETBSD) #0: Fri Sep 19 10:35:04 PDT 2003 i386
>-- End of excerpt from "Brian A. Seklecki"