Subject: Re: Standalone infrared...
To: None <>
From: Peter Seebach <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/29/2004 10:31:26
In message <>, Peter Seebach writ
>Well, I have no idea; this, or something like it, worked for a while
>yesterday. But now... No matter what, come rain or snow, I 100% reliably
>get an I/O error trying to open the pty I specify to irs or ircomm. There's
>No amount of verbosity on ircomm or irs gives me any indication that it's
>even heard of a pty, or that it is aware of someone trying to connect.
Important note: There is no problem so dire, so subtle, that actually
sleeping a little can't fix it.
Today's lesson is that when ircomm runs on /dev/ptyq0, pppd needs to run
on /dev/ttyq0, not on /dev/ptyq0.
I still have no idea what's going on with ircomm in command-line mode; it's
surreal. But this is now working. Woo!