Subject: Re: MPACPI fix (for those who had trouble with it, urgent!)
To: Alicia da Conceicao <>
From: Daniel Carosone <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/08/2004 07:37:37
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On Fri, May 07, 2004 at 06:20:24AM -0400, Alicia da Conceicao wrote:
> No sweat. I heard bad stuff about the older models. The JVC-Victor
> Interlink are actually made in Tawain by ASUS, which is now selling them
> there for a lot cheaper, in the rest of Asia outside of Japan:
> But the XP7210/S200N has completely different hardware than the earlier
> models.
Well, then I'm glad I didn't end up getting one in Japan last year
after all. I looked at them, and was very tempted. They were
crusoe-based machines, though, not the centrino ones you seem to have,
and which now I may need to investigate more carefully. :-) The other
one I was looking at at the time was a fujitsu.
Thanks for the pointer.
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